Welcome to TimeFinders’ Support for Attorneys, Families and Friends
We are an award-winning and highly respected company offering practical and emotional support
to older people and their families in changing circumstances.
Accepting responsibility for someone else’s best interests is a serious matter. Whether your relationship is legally defined, as an Attorney, or informal, perhaps as a family member or friend, you can still find yourself facing the same difficult questions.
- How do you keep yourself informed about the older person’s well-being if you’re busy or live far away?
- How will you manage everything in your own life if something happens and you have to drop everything and run?
- How do you resolve disputes and disagreements about what to do?
When the person you’re responsible for loses capacity, perhaps through Dementia or other illness or injury, there are more questions.
If you are not an Attorney, will you have the power to ensure the outcomes that you know they would have wanted?
- If you hold a Property & Financial Affairs LPA (Attorneyship), do you know exactly what the Donor decided and how to bring it about?
- If you hold a Health & Welfare LPA, you could be responsible for deciding the level and type of care the Donor receives and whether to give or refuse consent to life-sustaining treatment on their behalf. Do you know enough about their deepest and most private thoughts to feel confident in taking such decisions on their behalf?
TimeFinders Support for Attorneys, Family and Friends
TimeFinders Support for Attorneys, Family and Friends is designed to help and support you as you help and support your loved one.
We can: –
- Advise you when you have questions or uncertainties about what your obligations are and how best to fulfil them.
- In close consultation with you:
- act as the older person’s Advocate, making sure that their best interests and, where appropriate, stated wishes are represented at all times. (Please see our Advocacy Service)
- represent you when your presence is needed but you can’t be there.
- Help you to resolve disagreements when there are competing opinions about the best way forward.
We understand that, in order to help and support your loved one as well as you can, you must also be able to continue living your own life as freely and fully as possible until such time as your focus really needs to change. For you to feel distracted and semi-detached, worrying about things and waiting constantly for news which may or may not come helps no-one – not you, not your family and least of all your loved one.
If you live a busy life, or are an expat or live a long way away, we can: –
- Be your eyes and ears on the spot, making regular reports to reassure you that all is well and ensuring that you’re properly informed when there are any developments.
- Create a Contingency Plan with you which will stand in readiness until it’s needed. This will cover all the questions you must answer to be ready to step out of your life and be with the older person when they need you, such as: –
- What about getting leave from your job or leaving your business?
- Who will look after
- the house
- the children
- the pets
- Do our best to let you know when it’s actually necessary for you to come, rather than a false alarm.
- Offer you whatever practical and emotional support you need whilst you’re away from home.
- Support and advise you when the time comes to organise end of life care and arrangements.
However much you might wish to fulfil your responsibilities fully, doing so can sometimes be very challenging, both practically and emotionally. TimeFinders Support for Attorneys, Families and Friends is there to support you and give you the best possible chance of success.